Sunshine Coast
Churches Soccer Association
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Where any injury occurs (whether or not it could lead to a possible insurance claim), the Coach or Manager must complete an Incident Report Form within one (1) week of the incident and email to

Personal Accident Insurance

SCCSA's Accident Insurance covers all players and non-playing officials for injury incurred while engaged in activities organised by SCCSA and SCCSA clubs.

Public Liability Insurance

Covers individuals, Associations and Clubs in respect of any legal liability arising from third parties in relation to personal injury and property damage.

Insurance Claim Form

If an injury results in medical treatment which incurs, or will incur non-Medicare expenses, then an insurance claim may be made, and the claimant needs to complete an Insurance Claim Form.
Once the form has been completed, forward onto SCCSA Admin for completion of SCCSA's part of the claim.  This form must be fully completed and lodged within 120 days with the Insurance Provider.  Do not wait until the start of treatment before submitting.

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